Michael is the President and Founder of i-CIO Partner, LLC, an organization focused on providing IT leadership and consulting services to healthcare companies, hospitals, physician practices, and skilled nursing / long-term care facilities. He also serves as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for St. Ann’s Community, a comprehensive continuing care organization which provides a variety of healthcare services for adults of all ages in Rochester, NY.
Michael previously held IT leadership positions with large, enterprise organizations including Loretto Health System (Syracuse, NY), Rochester Regional Health System (Rochester, NY), University of Rochester, Citicorp, and General Dynamics.
Michael currently serves on the Advisory Committee for the 2018 NY Tech Summit. He has served as Co-Chair of the IT Advisory Committee for the Finger Lakes Performing Provider System, and member of the IT/Data Governance and Population Health committees for the Central New York Care Collaborative. Michael is a Healthcare Business Academy Fellow who has researched and collaborated with community leaders on developing innovative approaches for improving healthcare services.
Michael received his Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of New Haven, CT, and holds bachelor degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics. He holds an international certification as a Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems (CPHIMS), and received certification in Executive Leadership for Healthcare Professionals from Cornell University. Michael is currently accepted into the doctorate program at St. John Fisher College where he will pursue an Education Doctorate (Ed.D) in Executive Leadership.
Michael is an Adjunct Professor at Syracuse University in the School of Information Studies (iSchool), and has taught at both the undergraduate and graduate levels since 2016.