Faculty and doctoral students from Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies will share new research and recent projects at the annual conference for ALISE: The Association for Library and Information Science Education taking place October 14-16 in Portland, Oregon. Our experts are speaking and presenting on a range of topics. See below for a full list. Syracuse University iSchool faculty and students are represented in bold text.
ALISE Awards
- ALISE Best Conference Paper Award: “Fallacy as Foundation of Post-Truth Knowledge and Knowing in LIS” – Beth Patin and Tyler Youngman
ALISE Internships
Faculty Presentations
- Renate Chancellor
Intersecting Disciplines: Should LIS Competencies Include Social Work?
10/15, 10:30 am - Beth Patin
Fallacy as Foundation of Post-Truth Knowledge and Knowing in LIS
10/15, 4:30 pm - Ingrid Erickson
Understanding Ourselves in Qualitative Research Through Collaborative Sense-making
10/15, 6:00 pm - Beth Patin
No Evolution Without Revolution: Historical Revelations for LIS Education
10/16, 3:00 pm
Student Presentations
- Shannon Crooks
Intersecting Disciplines: Should LIS Competencies Include Social Work?
10/15, 10:30 am - Leah T. Dudak
The Ethics and Truth of Disability Access: An Information Perspective
10/15, 10:30 am - Leah T. Dudak and Shannon Crooks
Navigating the modern Libraryscape: The Changing Roles, Labor, and Education of Public Librarians
10/15, 1:00 pm - Tyler Youngman
Fallacy as Foundation of Post-Truth Knowledge and Knowing in LIS
10/15, 4:30pm - Jeongbae Choi
Truth, Knowledge, and Information Literacy: An Aporetic Approach - Ariana Cook
Ethics of Storytelling in BIPOC Library Communities
10/15, 4:30 pm - Tetiana Hranchak
Documenting the War: American Library Community Supports Ukrainian Colleagues
10/15, 6:00 pm PDT - Shannon Crooks, Sarah Appedu, Abir Bouazizi, Chien-Yu Lin, Qiaoyi Liu, Isaac Meth, Yigang Qin
Understanding Ourselves in Qualitative Research Through Collaborative Sense-making
10/15, 6:00 pm PDT -
Leah T. Dudak, Jieun Yeon
For Every Book Their Reader: Book Challenges and Library Trauma
10/15, 6:00 pm PDT - Leah T. Dudak, Noah Lenstra, Beth Bloch, Rhys Dreeszen Bowman, Emily Vardell, Abigail L. Phillips
Accelerating Dialogue on Health and LIS
10/16 8:00 am PDT - Tyler Youngman
No Evolution Without Revolution: Historical Revelations for LIS Education
10/16, 3:00 pm PDT